All sponsorship levels will have Company name announced over the PA system throughout the event as an official contest sponsor. We also encourage you to send a representative from Company to set up a booth or tent during the event for additional promotion and direct access to the market.
Sponsor Sisters of the Sea a 501c-3 non-profit and help us make a difference in our community.

Donations are greatly appreciated and help us to put on events and stay active in the community.
Title Sponsorship - $3500 plus (limited to 1- Claimed)
Sponsor commits to $2000 in cash AND $1500 or more in product.
- Optional tents on the beach must be notified in advance for tent placement, deadline July 25, 2024
- The contest will be referred to as “’Title Sponsor name’ presents the “26th Annual Sisters of the Sea Surf Classic.”
- 250 plus contest T-shirts with ‘Title Sponsor name’ with logo
- Company banner/logo displayed 1st priority on scaffolds & on all media exposure including social media, local news, posters, SOS website, and day of event
- Company’s banner/logo present day of contest site
- Multiple mentions on social media and SOS website as a sponsor of the event
- Company logo on website for one year with direct access to sponsor website
- Optional tents on the beach must be notified in advance for tent placement, deadline July 25, 2024
- Optional tents on the beach must be notified in advance for tent placement, deadline July 25, 2024
Division Sponsorship – $1000 plus (Division Options are First Come First Serve) limited to 12
Company has contributed $500 in cash AND $500 or more in cash or product.
- Company logo as part of division name (i.e. Roxy Leilani Shortboard), 250 plus contest T-shirts, posters, entry forms, and SOS website
- Company banner/logo displayed 3rd placement on scaffolds & on all media exposure including social media, local news, posters, SOS website, and day of event
- Multiple mentions on social media and SOS website as a sponsor of the event
- Company logo on website for one year with direct access to sponsor website
- Optional tents on the beach must be notified in advance for tent placement, deadline July 25, 2024
Gold Level – $1500 plus in Cash or Product
Company has contributed $1500 or more in cash, product, or a combination of the two.
- Company logo on posters, entry forms, and SOS website
- Company logo on 250 plus contest T-shirts
- Company banner/logo displayed 2nd placement on scaffolds & on all media exposure including social media, local news, posters, SOS website, and day of event.
- Multiple mentions on social media and SOS website as a sponsor of the event.
- Company logo on website for one year with direct access to sponsor website
- Optional tents on the beach must be notified in advance for tent placement, deadline July 25, 2024
Silver Level - $500 to $1499 in Cash or Product
Company has contributed $500 or more in cash, product, or a combination of the two.
- Company logo on posters, entry forms, SOS website, social media, and on day of the event sponsor
- Company’s banner present day of contest site
- Optional tent on the beach, must be notified in advance
Bronze Level – Under $500 in Cash or Product
Company has contributed $500 or less in cash, product, or a combination of the two. You get:
- Company’s logo present day of contest site
- Mention on social media and day of event as a sponsor
We ask that a receipt be included with all product donations showing the value of the donation.
Donation Deadline is July 1, 2024.
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